The Most Boring Show Ever Made (updated!)

I will keep the original post below, but it turns out that it’s… well… wrong. After contacting Renana Raz, her performance is actually based on a book called The Most Boring Book in the World by Nana Ariel. The Jerusalem Post article in the post below has listed my book as the inspiration. I guess the journalist didn’t quite do their homework for the article.

Anyhow, still sounds like an interesting (or boring) performance. And who would have thought that there is now another book with such a very similar title (although it appears to be a completely different take on the idea).

So, this is different.

A woman in Israel has “adapted” The Most Boring Book Ever Written into a performance piece. It ran for two days earlier in August in Tel Aviv. Only found out about it when a Google Alert was sent to my inbox about this. Crazy. How ironic–a book intended to be boring inspired someone to create art–that is also boring.

I hope to have a chance to see a recording of this.

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